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At Rosehill Methodist, our vision is to equip pupils with key skills, knowledge and vocabulary that will enable them to be successful in all elements of the maths curriculum.  This is embedded through a challenging curriculum delivered through high quality teaching and learning opportunities. We have developed a bespoke curriculum, based on the NCETM and Oak Academy Materials in order to meet both the needs of our children and the requirements of the National Curriculum, providing children with a broad and rich learning experience. Maths teaching and learning provides children with the opportunity to become number fluent and increase their problem-solving and reasoning ability.  Children experience learning in a variety of ways, using different resources and approaches including concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

 Each class has dedicated curriculum time to develop their number sense and skills in fluency, so they are able to apply their learning in a wide range of contexts.  Skills and knowledge are revised and revisited daily through 'Fluency' practice from Year 1 to Year 6. In Year 5 and Year 6 children use Learning by Questions, an online tool, in order to further develop their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each child also accesses Times Tables Rockstars in school and at home.  Click the link to play!

If your child would like further practise applying the key skills and knowledge they have been taught in Mathematics, you may find the following link useful: